Can You Claim Money from Someone’s Parents if They Owe You Money Abroad?


It can be frustrating and stressful to lend money to someone who is unable or unwilling to pay it back. If you've given money to someone who is now abroad, you may be wondering if you can claim the money from their parents. In this article, we'll discuss some of the legal and practical considerations involved in seeking repayment from someone's parents, and provide some tips for what to do if you're in this situation.

Legal Considerations:

Before you decide to try to claim money from someone's parents, it's important to understand your legal rights and options. Some things to consider include:

  • The nature of the loan: If you lent the money to the person as a gift, rather than as a loan, you may not have a legal right to seek repayment. However, if the money was lent as a loan, with the expectation of repayment, you may have a legal claim to the money.
  • The laws of the country: The laws of the country where the person and their parents reside may have an impact on your ability to seek repayment. For example, some countries may have laws that protect parents from being held responsible for their adult children's debts. It's important to research the laws of the country in question and understand your rights and options.
  • The terms of the loan: If you have a written agreement outlining the terms of the loan, such as the amount of money lent, the interest rate, and the repayment schedule, this may strengthen your case if you need to seek legal action to recover the money.

Practical Considerations:

In addition to legal considerations, there are also some practical factors to consider when deciding whether to try to claim money from someone's parents. Some things to think about include:

  • The relationship between you and the person's parents: If you have a good relationship with the person's parents, you may be able to discuss the matter with them and come to a resolution amicably. However, if your relationship is strained or difficult, it may be more challenging to reach an agreement.
  • The financial situation of the person's parents: It's important to consider whether the person's parents are financially able to repay the money. If they are struggling financially themselves, they may not be able to pay back the loan, even if they are willing to do so.
  • The likelihood of repayment: Even if you have a legal claim to the money and the person's parents are able to pay it back, you may need to weigh the costs and benefits of seeking repayment. If the amount of money involved is small and the chances of repayment are low, it may not be worth the time and effort to try to claim the money.

What to Do If You Decide to Seek Repayment:

If you've decided to try to claim money from someone's parents, there are several steps you can take:

  • Communicate with the person's parents: If you have a good relationship with the person's parents, you may be able to discuss the matter with them directly. Be respectful and open to negotiation, and consider offering a payment plan or alternative arrangement if they are unable to repay the full amount at once.
  • Seek legal advice: If you are unable to reach an agreement with the person's parents or believe you have a legal claim to the money, you may want to seek legal advice. A lawyer can help you understand


If you've given money to someone who is abroad and are unable to get repayment, you may be wondering if you can claim the money from their parents. While it's possible to seek repayment from someone's parents, there are a number of legal and practical considerations to take into account. It's important to understand your rights and options, consider the nature of the loan, the laws of the country where the person and their parents reside, and the terms of the loan.

You should also think about the relationship between you and the person's parents, their financial situation, and the likelihood of repayment. If you decide to seek repayment, you may be able to communicate with the person's parents directly or seek legal advice. Ultimately, the decision of whether to try to claim money from someone's parents is a personal one that will depend on your individual circumstances.


Can I claim money from someone's parents if they owe me money abroad?

It's possible to claim money from someone's parents if they owe you money, but there are a number of legal and practical considerations to take into account. It's important to understand your rights and options, consider the nature of the loan, the laws of the country where the person and their parents reside, and the terms of the loan. You should also think about the relationship between you and the person's parents, their financial situation, and the likelihood of repayment. If you decide to seek repayment, you may be able to communicate with the person's parents directly or seek legal advice.

Can I seek legal action to recover money from someone's parents?

If you have a legal claim to the money and are unable to reach an agreement with the person's parents, you may be able to seek legal action to recover the money. However, it's important to research the laws of the country where the person and their parents reside, and understand your rights and options. A lawyer can help you understand your legal options and advise you on the best course of action.

What if the person's parents are unable to pay back the money?

If the person's parents are unable to pay back the money, you may need to consider alternative arrangements. You may be able to negotiate a payment plan or other arrangement that works for both parties. However, if the person's parents are unable to pay and you have a legal claim to the money, you may need to seek legal action to recover the funds.

Is it worth trying to claim money from someone's parents if the amount involved is small?

Whether it's worth trying to claim money from someone's parents will depend on the individual circumstances of your case. If the amount of money involved is small.

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